AT&T Unveiled a New Satellite Phone – TerreStar Genus

30 May

One of the most reliable carrier AT&T unveiled a new satellite phone named as “TerreStar Genus ” which the company claims as the firstever satellite smartphones.It has the ability to provide phone communications where no cell towers are located.It is a dual mode smartphone which by default uses its parent network being AT&T but goes in rhythm in remote areas connecting the handset with a satellite reception.


As the developers take a long time to to bring in all the features such as voice, data, and messaging so that it looks no different than the smartphone.

The TerreStar Genus is powered by a Windows Mobile 6.5 while outlaying a touchscreen for the users. The smartphone comes packed with a Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 2.0 megapixel camera, QWERTY keyboard, and MicroSD Card Slot.

According to AT&T, the service would be available for now in the U.S., Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and territorial waters.

Customers would need to pay $799 upfront for the smartphone itself while the carrier would charge a monthly data plan of $25. Calls, data and messages made through satellite service would be charged individually with approximately users paying 65 cents per minute for voice, 40 cents per message and $5 per megabyte on data.

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Posted by on May 30, 2011 in Android, Mobile, SmartPhone


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